
updates from Cambodia

Welcome to the blog page, with all the latest news from our charity in Cambodia. News of the school from both students and teachers, the rural communities nearby and some of our achievements.

To Grow An Orchid news

story of a girls dormitory

Life for students in rural Cambodia can be pretty hard. Many students live in dormitories because it is too far to go home at night.
This is the story of a girls dormitory when a tree crashed through the roof at 2am on the night before their final exams. Even when it was repaired they had to sleep on the floor because there were no beds for them.

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between lessons in school

Why To Grow An Orchid

According to OECD students in Cambodia feel it is a priviledge to be at school beyond the age of 15. Truancy rates are amongst the lowest in the world.
But health and being able to afford to be at school is a major problem
The video is a quick look at these subjects and why we became involved.

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IT and Agronomy mushroom project at KCIT funded by To Grow An Orchid

Press Release 23 Oct 23

Berkshire charity boosts local agriculture project in rural Cambodia by encouraging use of IT to advance agriculture. Press Release To Grow An Orchid (reg charity 1187888) Contact: Dave Hunt Phone: 07710 351766 / 07717 003343

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Press Release 26 Sep 23

Local Charity Funds Critical IT Education Project in Rural Cambodia. Press Release Contact: Dave Hunt, To Grow An Orchid Phone: 07710 351766 / 07717 003343 Email: For Immediate Release  Pangbourne, Berkshire, UK. 26 Sept

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Agronomy education

Agronomy Education Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Story of a dormitory

Do you remember our story about the dormitory that was destroyed by a tree and how it the students had to sleep on the floor for many months until new bunk beds arrived? Then finally

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refurbished dormitory

Refurbished dormitory

All ready to go, only problem is the school is not fully open. A few students are back at school. Exams are taking place for end of school year

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new computer room for school

New computer room

During lockdown a classroom was refurbished as a computer teaching room. As lockdown eases students are keen to come back. The majority of classes have not begun

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lessons begin after lockdown

Lessons begin

Lessons start for some students. The focus is on the vocational students who will start their exams soon.

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New beds arriving

New beds arrive

After many months, the new bunk beds for the dormitory have arrived. All hands-on-deck to get them off the lorry and assembeled.

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get involved sponsor a student

Sponsor students

Many students live at the school or with relations because they live far away. Some struggle to buy food, clothes and stationery. We are always looking for sponsors. $12 / £10 per month.

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vocational student exams

Exams in progress

Exams have been going ahead in August 2020 for vocational students. They have been working remotely, but now is exam time. Care is being taken to ensure social distancing

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Would you like to start a project with us?

If you have seen the project(s) we have done so far and think you need help in moving forward with Information Technology projects for the School, Teachers or Students, then please get in contact with us. We look forward to hearing from you.​