Why To Grow An Orchid

Getting an education in rural Cambodia can be hard.

50% of students live in dormitories or with relatives of friends in nearby villages as it is too far to go home at night.

Students get ill through poor nourishment and can be afraid to ask their parents for money. 

Education is key to growth in Cambodia. Especially for girls who have often been overlooked.

Students are generally happy with their lives – according to OECD

It is a priviledge to be at school beyond the age of 15.

Parents are generally farmers and stretch their resources to keep their children at school.

There is a lot of pressure to send them to work in a garment factory – outsourced from China because labour is cheaper.

We providing funding to help the poorest students (and their families)).

We also provide basic IT classes because this education is not given at schools.

About To Grow An Orchid

Founded in 2019 by local entrepreneur Dave Hunt to help young people in rural Cambodia to finish school and to raise some levels of IT education.
In rural areas the majority of the population are farmers with incomes around £120 a month. Poorer families struggle to send their children to school. TGAO funds the poorest students to help them complete their education to Grade 12.
In IT the basics of Internet and the impact of social media incl. fraud, private information and passwords are not taught. TGAO has written and funded courses for schools to give to their students under the name of ITClub-Cambodia

About Dave Hunt

Local entrepreneur founded IT company C2C in Henley-on-Thames in the 1990’s. The Company had offices Reading (UK) and Boston (US). The company was sold to an American IT company in 2015.
He started visiting Cambodia in 2016 and registered the charity three years later. For further information on the charity see TGAO.

To Grow An Orchid (reg charity 1187888)
Contact: Dave Hunt
Phone: 07710 351766 / 07717 003343
Email: admin@togrowanorchid.org