Donate to our cause

Sponsor a Student

Donate / Sponsor

All donations are gratefully received and put to good use. We accept donations through PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account you can pay by debit/credit card through here.

You can also request how we spend your donation. Buy books/stationery ($10 / Ā£8 buys a box of pens), sponsor the IT club for a week ($20 / Ā£16 pays for a teacher to teach 20 students for 5 hours a week), sponsor a student ($10 / Ā£8 per month).

Thank you.Ā Ā 

Sponsorship Opportunities

A director at a high school identifies the poorest students who are struggling to complete their education. For $10/Ā£8 you will help a student eat, buy books or clothes. For $100 a year you can help a student eat, buy clothes and books for a year so they can remain at school. See Funding Students. 

When we asked students about how we could help them, they said affording pens and notebooks. When money is tight, it is surprising how little it takes to make life easier. A box of 36 pens is $10 / Ā£8.Ā 

Many schools have very little technical experience. We have helped sorting out security, extending wifi, upgrading routers.Ā  Donations to a specific cause are welcome. Ask us what we need most.

Funding small scale between different departments (such as Agriculture and IT) where IT produce systems for the other departments. Bit like real-life! We are partuicularly interested where the project can benefit the local community.

Many IT teachers are re-aligned science teachers, with little or no formal training. We have been trying to help them, providing some classes, it would be ideal to send them to a city where there are courses in many of the IT subjects

Contact Us


Call Us At

+44 7710 351 766

Here are some of our projects and ourĀ achievements. If you donate, and we hope you will – this is where your donation can be spent. You can specify a project if you wish.

Donate in GBP

Donate in USD

Donate in THB (Thai Baht )

Are you a school/institute in Cambodia needing help with Information Technology?

If you have seen the project(s) we have done so far and think you need help in moving forward with Information Technology projects for the School, Teachers or Students, then please get in contact with us.
We look forward to hearing from you.